New Update in ECHAChem

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New Update in ECHAChem

New Update in ECHAChem


Second Update in ECHAChem

As you know, ECHA has begun reorganizing its database under the name ECHAChem to make the information in the database more orderly and to facilitate access to this information.

In this context, registration data was published on January 30, 2024. On July 3, 2024, a new update was made, introducing new IUCLID format changes to improve user experience.

According to the information on ECHA’s website, this update includes the following:

  • Adaptation to IUCLID 6.8 format
  • Structural formula published as part of the reference substance
  • Exposure scenario information filtered out (to be addressed via upcoming data availability review)
  • Indication in the dossier header if the dossier was filtered as NONS
  • Export of “Registration numbers” table and “Registrants” table
  • Improved PDF layout when printing from the browser
  • “Hide empty fields” set as default
  • Table headers visible also for long tables


ECHA has indicated that the next updates will be made in the third and fourth quarters of 2024. The first of these will address the classification and labeling inventory, while the other will address the regulatory process and obligations lists.

For more detailed information about ECHAChem, click here, and to review our EU REACH service, click here.

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