ECHA's New Database: ECHAChem
ECHAChem is now accessible
ECHA has started recreating its database, named ECHAChem, in order to organize the information in its database more systematically and facilitate user access to this information. As a starting point, on January 30, 2024, REACH registration data was published.
What is the ECHA database?
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) possesses the largest chemical database in the European Union. Through this database, users can access data provided by the industry and information obtained from legislative work conducted by ECHA and the related authorities. Users can examine REACH registrations, classification and labeling inventories, legal requirements, and regulatory processes through the this database.
What is ECHAChem?
ECHA's existing database hosts a large number of users, with the chemical database receiving over 30 million views in 2022 alone. As a result, the quantity and diversity of data in ECHA's database have increased, making it complex for users.
For this reason, ECHA has decided to create a new database called ECHAChem. This database will be gradually shared over the next few years, with the initial release of REACH registration data on January 30, 2024.
With this change, the search box on ECHA's homepage has been removed. Users can now perform searches by clicking on the "Search for chemicals" button on the homepage or by directly accessing the ECHAChem website. If a piece of data is moved from the old platform to ECHAChem, users will receive a warning and be redirected to the new database. It's important to note that during the availability of ECHAChem, the old ECHA database can still be used and will be kept up to date.
The ECHAChem database aims to present data more transparently and make information more accessible. Users can enter information such as EC number or IUPAC name into the search box on ECHAChem and access details such as the total number of substances entered, EC and CAS numbers of substances. They can also obtain an Excel output of this information, and also access all REACH registration dossiers, registrants, and registration numbers related to a substance.
Access Dates for ECHAChem
As mentioned earlier, ECHAChem currently covers only REACH registration data, but new data will be added in the future. Thus, the information accessible to users will gradually increase. According to ECHA, plans for the upcoming period are as follows:
- May 2024: REACH registration data alignment with IUCLID format.
- Q3 2024: Revised Classification and labelling inventory.
- Q4 2024: First set of regulatory processes and obligation lists.
Access and Usage of ECHAChem
To learn how to use ECHA's new database, ECHAChem, you can watch the video below with subtitles. Stay tuned for updates.