Regarding the Withdrawal of Active Substances from Product Types

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Regarding the Withdrawal of Active Substances from Product Types

Regarding the Withdrawal of Active Substances from Product Types


What Does the Withdrawal of Active Substances from Product Types Mean?

The EU Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) aims to create a level playing field for stakeholders working with active substances. This is achieved through Article 95 of the BPR and the establishment of a nominative list known as the "Article 95 List" of active substances and suppliers.

Any active substance listed in this document may be withdrawn from any approved product type upon the request of participants. If a company wishes to apply for the reuse of a withdrawn active substance, it must submit an application to assume the participant role by the specified deadline. Otherwise, a new application must be submitted for the withdrawn product type.

The Review Programme Regulation (RPR) defines a specific role for ECHA and regulates the procedures for how participants can join this program, assume the participant role, withdraw as a participant, and under certain conditions, add substance/product type combinations to the Review Programme.

What Are the Deadlines?

The upcoming deadlines for the above-mentioned active substances and product types to be withdrawn are published on the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) website. These are as follows:




Legal basis

Multiple deadlines

Successful notifications

• For active substance evaluation under Regulation (EU) No 1062/2014 for successfully notified active substance – product type combinations

RPR Art 3(2)*

04 November 2025

Withdrawal of all participants

• Terbutryn, PT 9

RPR Art 14(1)(a), RPR Art 14(2), RPR Art 17

04 November 2025

Withdrawal of all participants

• 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one (BIT), PT 9

RPR Art 14(1)(a), RPR Art 14(2), RPR Art 17

03 February 2026

Withdrawal of all participants

• Alkyl (C12-C14) dimethylbenzylammonium chloride (ADBAC (C12-C14)), PT 22

RPR Art 14(1)(a), RPR Art 14(2), RPR Art 17

* A comprehensive list of applicable deadlines for each compliant notification is provided in the List of Notifications.
** RPR Article 3(2) applications can only be submitted by the notifier (participant) who has successfully notified.

For more detailed information, please visit the ECHA website.

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