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What is UA REACH?

UA REACH (Technical Regulation on the Safety of Chemical Products) is a regulation concerning the registration, evaluation, authorization, and restriction of chemicals manufactured in or imported into Ukraine in quantities exceeding 1 ton. UA REACH will come into effect on January 26, 2025.

The UA REACH legislation was established with the enactment of the "Law on Chemical Safety" or "UA-LCS" on June 29, 2024, aiming for harmonization with the EU REACH regulation. UA LCS, the cornerstone of chemical safety regulations, along with its subsequent counterparts UA REACH and UA CLP, marks a significant step toward aligning Ukraine's chemical safety standards with those of the European Union. The main objective is to protect human health and the environment from adverse effects arising from the use of chemicals, as aimed by EU REACH.

UA REACH Registration Process

The registration process will follow a two-stage approach, similar to other REACH-like regulations: pre-registration and registration.

The pre-registration phase will commence when UA REACH enters into force and will last for one year.

UA REACH Pre-registration Deadline

January 26, 2026

UA REACH Registration Deadlines

  • CMR substances (Category 1A and 1B) at ≥ 1 t/a
  • Substances very toxic to aquatic organisms (acute or chronic) at ≥ 100 t/a

January 26, 2026

  • Substances at ≥ 1,000 t/a

October 1, 2026

  • Substances at 100 – 1,000 t/a

June 1, 2028

  • Substances at 1 – 100 t/a

March 1, 2030

Note: Registration dates may change as a result of re-evaluations by MEPR. Stay tuned.


The UA CLP Regulation entered into force on 15 November 2024, 6 months after its approval on 10 May 2024. 

UA CLP Notification Deadlines

The transition period is until November 15, 2025 for hazardous substances that were already on the Ukrainian market BEFORE UA CLP entered into force on November 15, 2024 (regardless of annual volume). 

For hazardous substances that were placed on the Ukrainian market for the first time AFTER UA CLP entered into force, the CLP notification deadline is within 30 days following the first time of placing hazardous substances on the UA market (regardless of annual volume). 


UA REACH applies to manufacturers and importers based in Ukraine. Organizations outside Ukraine must appoint a locally established Only Representative to complete UA REACH registration. Ukrainian manufacturers, importers, and Only Representatives must pre-register their substances with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine by the specified deadline to maintain market access.

You can access the full text of the regulation by clicking here.

You can get support from our team regarding UA REACH and UA CLP regulations and request assistance with service details.

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