Research by ECHA on SDS Compliance

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Research by ECHA on SDS Compliance

Research by ECHA on SDS Compliance


35% of the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) reviewed are not compliant with legal regulations.

ECHA conducted a project involving inspectors from 28 EU-EEA countries within the European Union market. This project assessed the compliance and adequacy of Safety Data Sheets, particularly in line with new requirements implemented in 2023. The primary focus was on whether 2,500 SDSs were complete, up-to-date, and included the required information. The study also emphasized the consistency, quality, and legal compliance of the data.

Key findings include:

  • Non-compliance: 35% of the SDSs did not meet legal standards. Among these, some lacked the required content, while others did not even exist.
  • Information Gaps: 67% of SDSs lacked information on nanoforms, and 48% omitted details on endocrine-disrupting properties, despite these being part of the new requirements.
  • Missing Data: 16% of SDSs did not include information mandated by authorization decisions.
  • Data Quality: 27% showed deficiencies in data quality, including hazard descriptions, composition, or exposure control measures.
  • Exposure Scenarios: 18% failed to provide necessary exposure scenarios.
  • Supply Chain Flow: The SDS flow in the supply chain was well-maintained, with suppliers providing relevant SDSs in 96% of cases where requested.
  • Compliance Rate: 65% of the 2,500 SDSs complied with the current format.

Figures related to these data are shown below:

Figure 1:

Figure 2:

ECHA stressed the need for greater efforts within the EU to protect professional users and the environment from the impacts of hazardous chemicals. The situation in Turkey is not significantly different from the EU.

Many companies in Turkey fail to show due diligence in preparing SDSs and, in some cases, do not prepare SDSs at all. Such negligence can lead to severe consequences during inspections, resulting in fines and disruptions in business operations. It is crucial to recognize the role of SDSs in ensuring chemical safety in Turkey and take the necessary responsibility to secure a safe future, as well.

To avoid potential risks to your company and ensure smooth business operations, compliance with legal regulations and proper preparation of SDSs are strongly recommended.

You may opt for our Turkish and multilingual SDS preparation services or use the EPY Plus SDS Authoring Software for self-service SDS creation.

For detailed information, please contact us.


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