ECHA to Expand Scope of REACH Restriction Proposal to Include More Chromium (VI) Substances

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ECHA to Expand Scope of REACH Restriction Proposal to Include More Chromium (VI) Substances

ECHA to Expand Scope of REACH Restriction Proposal to Include More Chromium (VI) Substances


New Recommendations for REACH Restriction

The European Commission has requested ECHA to expand the REACH restriction proposal to include at least 12 Chromium (VI) substances.

Recently, the Commission tasked ECHA with preparing an updated restriction proposal for Chromium (VI) substances, complementing the original request from September 2023.

This update includes Chromium (VI) substances listed in Entries 16-22 and 28-31 of the REACH Authorisation List. Additionally, ECHA is asked to evaluate restriction proposals for other Chromium (VI) substances, including Barium chromate (EC number 233-660-5), which are not on the Authorization List. The deadline for the broader scope proposal will be set for April 11, 2025.

ECHA will launch a second call for evidence in June to support the proposal preparation. A webinar on June 6, 2024, will discuss the key results of the first call for evidence and highlight additional data required in the second call.

According to ECHA, the restriction proposal preparation and its evaluation by RAC and SEAC will follow the standard REACH restriction process.

This article was originated from ECHA. 

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