ECHA and SME Verification

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ECHA and SME Verification

ECHA and SME Verification


ECHA and SME Verification: only one administrative fee for a joint permit application

As it is known, the REACH Regulation and the REACH Fee Regulation stipulate that ECHA can charge fees for administrative and technical services.

Following the new provisions approved by the European Commission, ECHA will start charging only one administrative fee for joint authorisation applications. This practice will include applicants who falsely declared their company size. This rule will apply even in cases where multiple applicants have incorrectly declared themselves as micro, small, or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The amount of the administrative charge will be settled based on the company size of the largest company within the joint application for authorisation group. According to ECHA, this process will be conducted in line with the fee approach specified in the Commission’s Implementing Regulation on fees and charges payable to ECHA. And the invoice will be directed to the lead applicant. In the case of where all applicants accurately declare their company size, no administrative fee will be charged.

The definition of “financial gain” has also been changed in this context. However, there are no changes in the administrative charge levels and other provisions.

According to ECHA, the Commission has approved the revised and consolidated decision proposed by ECHA's Management Board. The decision will be effective from July 22, 2024.

For more details, you can visit ECHA’s website.

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