40 New Hazardous Chemicals for the PIC Regulation

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40 New Hazardous Chemicals for the PIC Regulation

40 New Hazardous Chemicals for the PIC Regulation


Regarding Export Notification Obligations

As you may know, the European Commission updates Annex I of the PIC Regulation annually. In the latest update, 35 pesticides and 5 industrial chemicals have been added to Annex I.

According to the PIC Regulation, export notifications must be submitted to ECHA before export activities for chemicals listed in Annex I can commence. It is also important to note that 38 of the 40 chemicals added in this update are listed in both Part 1 and Part 2 of the relevant annex. This means that for these 38 chemicals, an export notification alone is not sufficient; explicit consent from the importing countries is also required to proceed with the export.

ECHA has also stated that the status of the substances cyanamide and warfarin, which were already included in Annex I, has been updated. After the changes take effect, the export of these substances will also require explicit consent in addition to the export notification.

Furthermore, a subgroup of PFAS, “perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), its salts, and PFHxS-related compounds,” has been added to Annex V, which includes chemicals subject to export bans. This update follows the listing of the group as persistent organic pollutants under the Stockholm Convention.

Starting from March 1, 2025, companies must fulfil their export notification obligations for these chemicals. ECHA's ePIC tool has been updated to include the latest changes, and export notifications for these chemicals can be submitted through this platform.

For support on this matter, you can contact us or utilize our PIC Consultancy Service to ensure compliance with the new regulations.

This article was originated from ECHA.

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