Regulation on Safety and Health in Working with Chemical Substances has been updated!
About the Regulation Update and the Changes it Brings With It
Regulation on Safety and Health in Working with Chemical Substances, which explains Occupational Exposure Limit Values, Biological Limit Values, and Prohibited Work Activities done with chemical substances prohibited to be used, to determine the minimum conditions for a safe work environment and to protect the employees’ health from the effects of chemical substances.
With the “Regulation on Safety and Health in Working with Chemical Substances” No. 32345 published on Friday, October 23rd, 2023, and came into force on the date of publication, significant changes have been made in Annex 1 where Occupational Exposure Limit Values are explained.
Occupational health of some substances included in Annex 1 list which had an addition of more than 190 substances, have been changed.
It is noteworthy that among the newly added substances, there are common chemicals widely used in the industry, such as Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol), Hydrogen peroxide, and Sodium hydroxide:
According to the KKDIK Regulation (30105/2017) (Turkey REACH), if a mixture does not meet the classification criteria for being considered hazardous under the SEA Regulation (28848/2013) (Turkey CLP) but contains a substance with an occupational exposure limit value, a Safety Data Sheet shall be provided on request. And if your chemical products contain a substance listed in ANNEX 1 of this regulation, you may be required to provide a Safety Data Sheet.
The substances for which the Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) Values have been changed are as follows:
If your products contain these substances, you must update the 8th section of your Safety Data Sheets to include the current Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) Value.
The updated Regulation on Safety and Health in Working with Chemical Substances refers to the Safety Data Sheet prepared following the Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). With the new regulation, it has become mandatory for workplaces to comply with TS EN 14197 and TS EN ISO 21009 standard series in the use of tanks for the storage of hazardous chemical substances. In addition, while no changes were made to ANNEX - 2 (Biological Limit Values and Health Surveillance Measures) and ANNEX - 3 (Prohibited Work Activities with Chemical Substances Prohibited to be Used) of the Regulation, ANNEX - 4 (Safety Distances Regarding Liquid Oxygen, Liquid Argon and Liquid Nitrogen Storage Tanks) has been repealed.
With the Regulation on Safety and Health in Working with Chemical Substances No. 32345 dated 20/10/2023 which came into force on the date of publication, Regulation No. 28733 dated 12/8/2013 has been amended.
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