Licensing Procedure for Disinfection Systems to be Performed with Ozone

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Licensing Procedure for Disinfection Systems to be Performed with Ozone

Licensing Procedure for Disinfection Systems to be Performed with Ozone


About Licensing Procedures

In order for ozone (O3) produced by devices/systems to be used as a disinfectant in the field of public health, the "Scientific Advisory Board for Biocidal Products on the Definition of Disinfection Processes to be Performed with Ozone and Free Radicals" was established with the approval of the Deputy Minister dated 05.10.2020 and numbered 4084, and the "Procedure for Basic Requirements for Licensing" was prepared.

The basic requirements for licensing disinfection systems to be performed with ozone produced by an on-site device can be accessed on the website of the Ministry of Health.

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