Authorization Procedures of Products that Disinfect with Ultraviolet C (UVC) Rays/ Biocidal Products
For your attention
The Biocidal Products Regulation was published in the Official Gazette No. 27449 and entered into force on December 31, 2009. Biocidal product is defined in provision (c) of Article 4 of the Regulation. “The Communiqué on Biocidal Products Without Active Substances” was published in the Official Gazette No. 28726 and entered into force on August 2, 2013. The product is defined in the provision (ı) of Article 4 of the Communiqué.
In this context, the Science Advisory Board, concerning with Biocidal Products and Biocidal Products Without Active Substances, has been established to evaluate the methods to be followed in the permitting processes of the environment, air, and surface disinfection using UVC rays and under which legislation.
The advisory board held its first meeting on July 16, 2020. At the meeting, it was decided to evaluate the products in 2 different stages. These;
1) Information and documents requested in the communiqué and fulfilling additional requirements to be evaluated within the scope of “Biocidal Products Without Active Substance” for products that are physically only affected by radiation.
2) Information and documents specified in the Biocidal Products Regulation and fulfilling additional requirements for the products to be evaluated within the scope of "Biocidal Products" producing Free radicals and/or Ozone.
The necessary issues have been determined.
Act upon the advisory decisions of the advisory board, the decision taken with the approval of the authority dated 07.21.2020 regarding the evaluation of the products was put into effect on the same date.