2022 KKDIK Registration Fees have been published
2022 KKDIK Registration Fees have been published
The registration process has started as of 01.01.2021 within the scope of the Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (KKDIK Regulation).
According to KKDIK Regulation, if the annual amount is one tonne or above for substances manufactured or imported as such or in a mixture before 31/12/2023, the registration provisions of the Regulation will be applied between 31/12/2020 and 31/12/2023 (Provisional Article 2). Chemicals cannot be placed on the market without registration after 31/12/2023.
As it is known, the following aspects are subject to payment according to the regulation:
- Registration
- Registration update
- Non-public access information request
- Process and Product Orientated R&D (PPORD) notifications
- Authorisation application
- Review of Authorisations
With the beginning of 2022; The Revolving Fund Unit Price List for the year 2022, which includes the fees for registration, registration update, non-public access information request, and product and process-oriented R&D notifications (PPORD)has been published.
Reduced fees for SMEs have been allowed for the submissions. There is also a significant cost advantage for companies that will perform joint submission. The lowest fee described for the registration is determined as TRY 60 for a micro-sized enterprise making a joint submission for 1-10 tonnes of a substance, whereas the highest fee is determined as TRY 18000 for a large-sized enterprise making an individual submission for more than 1000 tonnes of a substance. You can access the tables regarding the fees from the following link: