2023 Chemical Assessment Specialist Exam Preparation - Turkey
Our training for the exam preparation phase of the participants who have completed the “Chemical Assessment Specliast“ training has started.
Our training programmes are carried out by Haydar Hazer, who gave related pieces of training for the first time in Turkey in 2018, with more than 30 years of experience in the sector, and the exam preparation training will also be provided by our trainer.
Participation details for the training are below:
- This is a training plan for participants who have previously received chemical assessment specialist training but were not successful in the exam or whose certificate renewal period is due.
- Exam Preparation Training is planned to take 2 days (16 hours).
- In the training content, detailed sample question solutions and necessary topic reminders for the Chemical Assessment Specialist exam will be provided.
Detailed information about the exam preparation training programme is below:
Date: 07-08 December 2023
Instructor: Haydar Hazer
Time: 09:00 – 18:00 (2 days / 16 hours)
Location:Chemleg Office (538/15 Bağdat Avenue, Cevizli District, Maltepe, Istanbul)
Food and Beverages: Lunch & Coffee & Tea & Sweet and Savoury Snacks
Student intake quota: 6
Fee: 6000 TL + VAT (20%)
For details: [email protected] or +90 0216 706 13 07
Click here for the training participant form.
After filling out the training participant form, please send it to [email protected].
Note: The training will be held with at least 6 participants.