What is Technical Dossier and When It is Required

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What is Technical Dossier and When It is Required

What is Technical Dossier and When It is Required


Notifiaction of Detergent Products to the Ministry of Customs and Trade under the scope of the "Communiqué on Detergents and Surfactants Used in Detergents No.28807" is a requirement.

It is a mandotory to prepare the Technical Dossier of the product which has been notified to the Customs And Trade Ministry and approved by the Ministry. The Technical Dossier of the product is not submitted to the Customs and Trade Ministry during the notification submission or then. However, it is obliged to keep this technical dossier ready in the notifier company. The audit of these products, which are required to be notified, shall be performed within the scope of the "Market Surveillance and Supervision Regulation of the Ministry of Customs and Trade" in accordance with the related communiqué. It is possible to be performed the audits both in routine or because of the complaints. The Technical Dossier must be in the representative company of the notification during any audit. The samples taken from the notified products by the auditors are sent to the authorized laboratories and analyzed. Surfactants or detergents are allowed to be on the market only after notification has been completed and approved.

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