Classification and Labelling of Mixtures in Products to be Checked by ECHA
Classification and Labeling Control
The ECHA Enforcement Forum has agreed on a project aimed at ensuring that hazardous mixtures in products are properly classified, labelled, and packaged across the EU to reduce the harm caused by chemicals. This project, named REF-14, aims to enforce chemical safety by implementing the requirements for the classification and labelling of hazardous mixtures. The inspections will cover consumer products commonly available in the market that contain hazardous mixtures. Examples of such products include nicotine products with acute toxicity or air fresheners containing sensitizers or irritants.
Authorities will check whether these products comply with the requirements of the CLP Regulation. This includes examining various aspects such as classification, labelling, packaging, and measures aimed at children. Additionally, the safety data sheets of the mixtures and notifications to poison centers will also be inspected. The REF-14 project is expected to be prepared in 2025, with inspections starting in 2026.
ECHA has indicated that in the next pilot project of the forum, the focus will be on only representatives who register imported substances, including those present in mixtures. Non-compliant entities will be identified by authorities, contributing to a fairer environment for companies in various countries.
The inspections will also review whether the tonnage of substances is accurately reported. Reporting a substance's tonnage lower than actual can lead to insufficient information and consequently result in the unsafe use of the product, highlighting the importance of accurate reporting. Furthermore, it will be checked whether only representatives keep records of relevant importers and comply with obligations related to safety data sheets.
According to ECHA, the Forum, and the biocidal product subgroup BPRS, which guide ongoing projects, convened from June 10-14, 2024. The next meeting is scheduled for November 2024.
This article was originated from ECHA.