Update on the Instructions Regarding Biocidal Product Analyses and Authorized Laboratories (16/08/2021)

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Update on the Instructions Regarding Biocidal Product Analyses and Authorized Laboratories (16/08/2021)

Update on the Instructions Regarding Biocidal Product Analyses and Authorized Laboratories (16/08/2021)


About the Update on 16/08/2021

The Instructions Regarding Biocidal Product Analyses and Authorized Laboratories have been updated with the approval dated 16/08/2021 and numbered E-19020089-020-3305.

With the update, the Instructions Regarding Biocidal Product Analyses and Authorized Laboratories have been amended to state:

"All authorized laboratories must be accredited and/or obtain an GLP certificate, considering the specified conditions, by 31/12/2021. Laboratories that have not completed the accreditation and/or GLP certification process as of 01/07/2021 should not accept samples for short-term and/or long-term stability tests and should not perform these analyses. However, they must complete the short-term and/or long-term stability tests that they started before 01/07/2021. No extension will be granted to laboratories that have not completed the accreditation and/or GLP certification process by 31/12/2021, and their authorizations will be revoked."

Additionally, the expression "TS EN 14476+A2" shown as the standard test method for virucidal efficacy tests for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, optionally for all areas of use for product types 2, 3, 4, and 5 listed in the table of Annex-16 titled “Test Organisms and Test Methods for Disinfectants and General Biocidal Products Used in Personal and Public Areas,” has been changed to "TS EN 14476+A2 or ISO 21702 or an appropriate virucidal efficacy test method."

Furthermore, a new paragraph (f) has been added after paragraph (e) of the first subparagraph of Article 14 of the said Instruction, which states: “Effectiveness tests of biocidal products used to impart biocidal properties or biocidal functions to a substance, mixture, or article, with suitable standard test methods on samples of treated articles.”


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