Information on functions to be reflected in the Chemical Registration System as of 01/03/2021:
- It is extremely important for the Lead Registrant to contact all companies in the SIEF before making the 'I am Lead Registrant for the Substance' statement. Accordingly, a voting module will be integrated on the SIEF page for the selection of the Lead Registrant. SIEF participants will be able to vote on the Lead Registrant Candidate companies. In this direction, the declarations for the lead registrant will start on 01/03/2021, simultaneously with the integration of the relevant module. Voting is not compulsory. However, when it deems necessary, the Ministry may request a vote or refer to the results of the voting.
- Only one Lead Registrant can be assigned for a reference substance. In case of any disagreement in the SIEF for the selection of Lead Registrant (such as the intention of more than one company to be lead registrant), an application must be made to the Ministry. In such disagreements, the Ministry informs the SIEF participants of the said substance and directs them to vote in order to determine the lead registrant.
- Regarding registration fees, a fee calculator function has been added to KKS. Fee Calculator calculates the fee to be paid according to company size, selected tonnage band and joint/individual submission application status (shows the fee code in the Revolving Fund Unit Price List of our Ministry). The registration fee appears on the screen where the registration file will be sent. Steps to be followed at this stage are:
- Regarding Company Size: If your company is micro, small or medium sized according to the "Regulation on the Definition, Qualifications and Classification of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises", you will benefit from the reduced registration fees specified in the Revolving Fund Unit Price List of our Ministry. All companies have been appointed as "Large" companies on the publication date of the announcement. In order to benefit from the reduced fees, you need to change your company size from the "My Company Information" module and upload the SME declaration that you have obtained through KOSGEB's website to the system.
- If you are an Only Representative, if the size of the foreign company you represent is micro, small or medium sized according to the "Regulation on the Definition, Qualifications and Classification of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises", you must upload the declaration showing the number of employees and annual turnover that you will receive from the foreign company.
- After you fill in the information requirements that are mandatory according to the tonnage band that you choose while submitting the registration file, the fee you need to pay and the code of this fee in the Revolving Fund Unit Price List of our Ministry appears on the Substance Submission Screen.
- After submitting the registration file, you must deposit the fee displayed in the system into the Ministry's Revolving Fund Budget account. The KKS system has been integrated with the Revolving Fund Budget of our Ministry. After completing the registration fee payment process, KKS will indicate that your registration fee has been paid and your dossier will be taken under the evaluation of the Ministry. No receipt upload will be performed additionally.
The text of the announcement can be accessed from the Chemical Registration System (KKS) tab of our Chemicals Help Desk; and also from the link: